Monday, July 27, 2009

Danica’s Daily Gets a Makeover & Moves…

Hi all!  I am super excited to show you all the newly designed Danica’s Daily.  So, head on over and check out the new site at:

PLEASE BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR READER/SUBSCRIPTION WITH THE NEW SITE ADDRESS.  You just need to drop the .blogspot and you should be good to go.

I will always keep up this site as this is where it all began :)  Beginning tomorrow, I will start posting on the new site.

Thanks to ZestyCook for his help in designing my fantastic new layout!!!

See you at the NEW Danica’s Daily!!!


  1. YAY! So exciting!

  2. Ponyknit ~ Thanks, I am super excited about it all and cannot wait to make my site even better for everyone!
