Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bake Sale Tester Highlight #1

As you all know I have shared and shipped my goodies with family, friends and of course The Husband. The Husband cannot be subjective because he says he LOVES everything I make. I have one package set to arrive with Kirwin today and another set sent to Meghann to arrive on Thursday.

I had to share with you all something that totally made my day and gave me a serious laugh. My really great friend, a.k.a. co-worker and running/walking buddy Rachel had her family help me out with the testing. I sent her home with a big bag off goodies. She had all 3 of her boys, her husband and her "test" out the goodies. We figured if the kids LOVED them then that was a sure sign they were a hit.

Now here is what I was not expecting. She seriously took the whole Bake Sale Testing to a whole new level. She handed out little index cards to her family and had them make notes/comment on what they liked/didn't like and then, had them vote on the back! She brought them in for me today and it really made me smile from the inside out. I didn't know she would take her "duties' so seriously, but, it's great!!! How cute are these note cards?


This is my favorite vote from her youngest son ~ I LOVE how he says it was the hardest decision he had to make in his life.....still makes me smile now!


It is interesting because their overall consensus was the Snicker Surprise Cookie! They all were asking if there was any more. I know that is The Husbands #1 choice too (that was the first thing gone!)

Alright ~ I must get cracking on some work now, but, I had to share that with you all ~ it definitely made my day!


  1. I love these note cards! Isn't it great when people give alot, unexpectedly!

    Have a great day!

  2. Snicker Suprise Cookie sounds amazing, I just loooove Snickers!! :D

    That's such a cute idea with the index cards.
    Good luck with the baking! <3

  3. Brandi ~ It seriously was such a nice surprise ~ her kids are the cutest. I love how they took their "responsibility" so seriously :)

    Dlishfoods ~ The snicker surprise cookies are sooooo amazing - especially frosted. They are one cookie I am totally addicted too.
