Sunday, March 1, 2009

Balance me with ~ 31 Days of Yoga

Happy March! It's a new month which for me means a new challenge. I set up my New Year's resolutions each year so that I tackle 1 new thing each month. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit so hopefully by the end of the year I will have develop 12 new good for me habits. Sometimes my resolutions are related to food, i.e., March is a no candy/junk month and sometimes they relate to health or exercise. I try to pick one of each so that I am focusing on two important areas in my life. There are of course things related to house, finance, etc in there but we won't get into those or my post would be so long!

Yoga has always been something that has interested me because it is an excellent way to achieve mind/body balance and helps you to de-stresss ~ something we all need. I have been inspired by Kath who started doing yoga a month two ago even though she was never a huge fan. She now totally loves it. Then, I saw that Tina at Carrots n' Cake, was going to start a 31 Day Yoga Challenge for the month of March and I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do. So, I asked my friend Kirwin to join in and the challenge is on ~ woohoo! I will be using the downloads I have from yogadownload as well as a few DVD's I have and may possibly attend a class or two. I am starting out with just 20 minute sessions but I will be sure to report each day what my thoughts are.

Now onto the most amazing breakfast ever!!! 2 slices of Ezekiel Bread with Organic Almond Butter, sliced banana and Dark Agave Drizzle

03/01/09 Banana Almond Butter Agave Toast

Up close ~ Look at all that yumminess!

03/01 Breakfast up close

Ok, maybe I missed Gluten a little too much, but, this was seriously a rockin' breakfast.

Have a great day all ~ we have another busy one planned.

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