Looking for a mind and body tune up before summer heats up?
Are you searching for ways to incorporate healthier eating, exercise and lifestyle decisions, but not sure how to start?
Want a two week fitness spa vacation without the hefty vacation price tags?
Then, stop looking now & join Angelea and I as we designate June as Bikini Bootcamp Challenge Month!
We will be following the two week holistic wellness program designed by Melissa Perlman and Erica Gragg, the authors (and founders of Amansala Resort in Tulum, Mexico) of Bikini Bootcamp: Two Weeks to Your Ultimate Beach Body.
Perlman and Gragg founded their fitness retreat after seeing a need for healthy, mindful fitness getaways for active minded people.
With the book, they have recreated the Caribbean sea spirit of Amansala with a home based program. Get a two week kick start to a healthier mind and body through a simple Latin and Asian flavored menu, meditation, journal writing, walking, yoga, invigorating cardio circuit training and core strengthening exercises. Each day concludes with a pampering at home spa treat with recipes for that too!
Sounds great, huh?
Here's all you need to start the program:
the book
yoga mat
light weights, soup cans or coconuts (for an island flair!)
exercise shoes
As far as the menu plan, the book outlines the menu for each day, provides all the recipes (tailored to be simple and not time consuming) and they even give you shopping lists for each week.
Why did I choose to do this? I've heard of Amansala in fitness magazines and I actually found out about Amansala and their Bikini Bootcamp fitness book through Angelea. Not really having any prospects of going there myself right now (But, I'D LOVE too!), I was very excited when I found out that they had written this book that I could try at home!
I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of the name Bikini Bootcamp. It strikes me as center-focused on the physical, but the program itself is much more than that. I hope through this program to recenter myself, find a balance of what is important, restart a yoga/meditative practice, pamper myself, learn a little about me and push myself with the workouts!
This is a pretty time intensive two week program, but, that is just it ~ it's only two weeks that you choose to put yourself FIRST! We are ALL good at putting others on a pedal stool, but, now is the time to do exactly that for yourself AND get yourself in rockin' bikini shape! I'm making a commitment to do some major pre-planning to organize my days during these two weeks but I plan on fitting it ALL in so I can get pampered at the end of the day!
The book talks about the communal nature of the program and having a partner to share your successes (and stumbles) with.
I talked to Angelea at Cabin Feaver Feast and we decided to pair up as bootcamp buddies starting the program together on Monday, June 1st. I've probably lost my mind, but, the book intrigued me THAT much!
We'll be reporting in daily to each other and to you on our blogs sharing how each day is going.
We want to invite you to join us as we experience this transformational process! If you want to sign up for Bikini Bootcamp with us, here's all you have to do:
* Pick which Monday in June that you want to start.
Are you searching for ways to incorporate healthier eating, exercise and lifestyle decisions, but not sure how to start?
Want a two week fitness spa vacation without the hefty vacation price tags?
Then, stop looking now & join Angelea and I as we designate June as Bikini Bootcamp Challenge Month!
We will be following the two week holistic wellness program designed by Melissa Perlman and Erica Gragg, the authors (and founders of Amansala Resort in Tulum, Mexico) of Bikini Bootcamp: Two Weeks to Your Ultimate Beach Body.
Perlman and Gragg founded their fitness retreat after seeing a need for healthy, mindful fitness getaways for active minded people.
With the book, they have recreated the Caribbean sea spirit of Amansala with a home based program. Get a two week kick start to a healthier mind and body through a simple Latin and Asian flavored menu, meditation, journal writing, walking, yoga, invigorating cardio circuit training and core strengthening exercises. Each day concludes with a pampering at home spa treat with recipes for that too!
Sounds great, huh?
Here's all you need to start the program:
the book
yoga mat
light weights, soup cans or coconuts (for an island flair!)
exercise shoes
As far as the menu plan, the book outlines the menu for each day, provides all the recipes (tailored to be simple and not time consuming) and they even give you shopping lists for each week.
Why did I choose to do this? I've heard of Amansala in fitness magazines and I actually found out about Amansala and their Bikini Bootcamp fitness book through Angelea. Not really having any prospects of going there myself right now (But, I'D LOVE too!), I was very excited when I found out that they had written this book that I could try at home!
I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of the name Bikini Bootcamp. It strikes me as center-focused on the physical, but the program itself is much more than that. I hope through this program to recenter myself, find a balance of what is important, restart a yoga/meditative practice, pamper myself, learn a little about me and push myself with the workouts!
This is a pretty time intensive two week program, but, that is just it ~ it's only two weeks that you choose to put yourself FIRST! We are ALL good at putting others on a pedal stool, but, now is the time to do exactly that for yourself AND get yourself in rockin' bikini shape! I'm making a commitment to do some major pre-planning to organize my days during these two weeks but I plan on fitting it ALL in so I can get pampered at the end of the day!
The book talks about the communal nature of the program and having a partner to share your successes (and stumbles) with.
I talked to Angelea at Cabin Feaver Feast and we decided to pair up as bootcamp buddies starting the program together on Monday, June 1st. I've probably lost my mind, but, the book intrigued me THAT much!
We'll be reporting in daily to each other and to you on our blogs sharing how each day is going.
We want to invite you to join us as we experience this transformational process! If you want to sign up for Bikini Bootcamp with us, here's all you have to do:
* Pick which Monday in June that you want to start.
* Email Angelea at angelea@cabinfeverfeast.com and tell her which day that you want to join in and also specify if you want a Bootcamp Buddy. We will pair you up with someone who wants to start on the same day as you! If you don't want a Buddy, that's fine too!
* Get a copy of the book.
* Leave a comment on one of our blogs each day of your program stating which day of the program you are on (Day 1-14). We want to track your progress and reward fellow bootcampers!
If you sign up to be a buddy, the only rules are that you report in to each other via email at the end of the day. You can talk about whatever you want to...your highs, your lows, etc. Just help motivate each other!
Speaking of rewards...time for a GIVEAWAY!
We are kick starting this challenge by giving away a copy of the book to one lucky bootcamp recruit! Angelea will draw a name on Tuesday from those that have emailed her to join the program, so SIGN UP NOW!
Angelea and I are also plotting other GIVEAWAYS throughout the month to keep you motivated and going strong!
This is going to be fun!
HOOAH and namaste!
Laying under a fan and looking through the recipes right now! I love that there's soup before dinner every night. Going to be fun!
ReplyDeleteAngelea ~ I have been perusing the book today a bit too here and there. I can't wait to get started. Thanks again for inviting me to be your buddy! I need to think of a good reward for completing the two weeks - hmmmm, a massage, a spa day, hmmmm! :D
ReplyDeleteWhat if I can't get the book by tomorrow? Could you share Day 1 with me or can I find it online somewhere? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAshley ~ I will see if I can throw up a quick summary for you of day 1 tonight. I actually picked my book up at Barnes and Nobles. I know Angelea is giving one away to one recruit who signs up on Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean you are starting with us tomorrow? Yeah, for doing it! You can always pick another day to start if you want as we are designating the entire month to the Bikini Bootcamp.