Friday, May 15, 2009

Once you Pop, you can't stop!

Today for show and tell at work I brought in my favorite Pop Chips of ALL Time ~ BBQ! I made a ton of new friends once I opened the bag :D Yeah, instant popularity, right?! LOL Ok....I will stop laughing at my own silliness. Let's just say I was excited to have my BBQ Pop chips, but, not so much to share :)


I portioned out my mini serving before I shared.


I then let all my co-workers dive in. Everyone absolutely LOVED them and agreed this is the best flavor yet. I couldn't agree more. This is the flavor to buy if you buy any flavors at all - I am telling you, they are better than real deal and your fingers STILL get all BBQ-y (yes, it's a word!) but not greasy. Word of caution though - they are highly addictive and you will not want to share :D

Along with my Pop Chips this morning I had a normal snack - yup, it's normal to me LOL. An organic apple with ~ 2 Tbsp raw almonds.


Last night for lunch I had pulled out a serving of the Lentil Soup I made on the BL Jump Start plan to have for lunch today. Then, I realized that I didn't have anything to make up the side salad to go with it (booo! hiss!) So, what's a girl to do? Stop and get salad stuff - NO! She goes ou to lunch instead. Can you guess what and where?

Yup ~ Sushi Mambo! It's the best way to end a week and I still got in my soup ~ Miso Soup!


Followed up with two rolls - I had 1/2 of this one ~ Supercalifragilistic! Crab and Tempura Shrimp Roll topped with Salmon, Maguro, with sweet Sesame Sauce and Wake Me.


Isn't that fish plate cute??? I thought I wasn't going to like the salad on top but it was actually quite tasty. I still think I prefer the spicy raw fish rolls over the fried tempura shrimp ones.

Next up - I LOVE the Name - so fuuny! Just 4 The Halibut! Spicy Tuna, Hamachi, and Salmon topped with Halibut and broiled with a Zesty Sauce. I had 3 pieces of this roll.


This roll was very much like the volcano. We added avocado and cucumber, but, I am not sure I LOVED it. They serve it warm (they broil the fish on top) and I am not sure sushi should be warm.

And a trip to Sushi Mambo can never be made without ordering The Volcano. Tuna, Hamachi, and Salmon, over Rice, broiled with a Zesty Sauce. I had 1/2 of this volcanic peak!


This is always my favorite dish and I LOVE how it looks like a volcano. It is definitey spicy with the Sriyachi sauce but THAT is what makes it so good.

On our way back, I had promised my co-worker a trip to the Rocky Mountain Fudge Factory. I managed to get away with just a bite of this thing called the Avalanche! OMG - so good - picture rice crispy treat meats big marshmallows, meats white chocolate, meats baby dark chocolate chips.


Now I am counting the hours/minutes until the weekend officially begins. Hmmmm...what is "going" on this weekend?


* Are any of you participating in the Bay to Breakers race? This is one of the funnest/craziest races in the city where everyone dresses up. It's entertaining to watch and be in. I WISH I was joining my friends in the race!!! You can check it out by clicking HERE.

* The Islands Earth Farmer's Market is opening - click HERE to find out more - so cool!

* The 26th Annual Tiburon Wine Festival - they have over 20 SAMPLES - wow! Click HERE to learn more.

And last, but, not least, you have until Midnight (PST) tonight to score some FREE LOOT in my HG Snack Pack Giveaway - Fun! Click HERE for your chance to win.


  1. yummmm sushi my fave!!!!! and i heart miso soup. it all looks lovely. my sister lives in dublin, how far are you from there? i go about twice a year and i am thinking next time i go we need to go get some sushi!!!!

  2. Popchips just weren't meant for sharing... they're just too darn good! ;) I haven't tried this flavor yet, but now I'm definitely going to have to look for it.

    What a fun dinner! That sushi looks perfect! And such a cute way to serve the dishes.

  3. Janetha ~ Dublin isn't far at all and sushi is definitely something you have to try if you come out this way! Fun!

    Heather ~ I absolutely agree about everything you said! LOL....Let me know if you try the BBQ - it's awesome!
